शुक्रवार, ७ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) No element is free from bondage or slavery to law. The atoms of diverse elements get constituted themselves as matters in three forms viz. pure substance, mixture and compound. The bond of compound is complex bond of law. The human being is most complex organic living compound having most complex bonding to most complex law of world.

(2) It is needless to state that human being cannot enjoy the freedom of free movement enjoyed by air (mixture of elements), firstly because air is immortal matter and human being is mortal matter and secondly because human being is most complex organic living compound having complex bonding to complex law in comparison with air matter. 

(3) I take corruption as an act of human temptation for freedom from bondage or slavery to law and therefore in the light of aforesaid analysis I feel that corruption shall continue in human world so long as human bonding to complex law shall continue. Simply, the thieves and police shall travel together in journey of human life. So, it is better for human being to remain logically relaxed than illogically tense in relation to issue of corruption, in the interest of human health.

(4) As usual, I will try to give my reasoning for this puzzlement. My common sense satisfies my reason with inner conviction that law regulated limited freedom is always better than law free unlimited freedom. The Nature seems to have followed better option out of love for her finest creation called human being. The almighty Nature could have bonded human being with unlimited restriction by force of her almighty power. But love of Nature for her most loved subjects called human beings seems to have prompted her to grant limited freedom of enjoyment of human life within regulatory framework of law having  limited restriction. 

(5) But human mind has failed  to understand said love of Nature and has developed hatred against  limited restriction of law or limited bondage to law of Nature out of said misunderstanding. The paradox of Nature's love for human being on one hand and human hatred against Nature and her bonding law on another hand is cause of puzzle. The human hatred against law taking law as bondage or slavery has provoked human movement for freedom from bondage or slavery  of law. This freedom movement is cause of corruption in relation to  law of Nature by human misuse of limited freedom granted by Nature within her law. This limited freedom within law acts as loophole within law helping such corruption at human instance. Therefore, so long as paradox of Nature's love for human and human's hatred against Nature's law shall continue, the corruption  shall continue.

(6) The world cannot be free from corruption with law of partial freedom and partial restriction. But what can Nature do? The world will be static/motionless with total restriction and the world will be chaotic with total freedom. -Adv.B.S.More

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