शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Can herbivorous animals be called as civil minded species just because they live by eating vegetarian food and carnivorous animals be called as criminal minded species just because they live by eating non vegetarian food? 

(2) How can Nature or God be called as kind almighty power when we see that life of civil minded weaker herbivorous animals is put by Nature or God at the cruel mercy of  criminal minded stronger  carnivorous animals? What about human species then? Are human species uniformly civil or uniformly criminal or uniformly of mixed character? 

(3) In the light of this background, the so called common law of Nature alleged to be containing principle of uniformity in diversity is really confusing to already stressed human brains. Our foolishness, our hypocrisy, our corruption, our greed, our ego, our aggressive dominance and our bloody violence  are all the products of this confusion.

(4) The Nature or God is really wonderful in creating this confusion. Let us search our love, kindness, compassion and all our spiritual goods in their uniform and equal distribution within wonders of Nature. *Adv.Baliram More*

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