शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) If material world is assumed to be created and controlled by God (or Nature within meaning  of science), then there is nothing wrong in assuming the presence of God in every atom of diverse elements from which material world is evolved by Nature as per science. 

(2) But once human mind imagines God in a particular form and with a particular role attached to such form, then such imagination creates a confusion in human mind due to actual material form and material property of any material element and/or material  substance coming in conflict with imaginary form and role of God assumed to be present within such element and/or substance. Actually, diverse elements and diverse substances have different forms, different properties and different roles in material world.

(3) If human mind wants to see God within diverse elements and diverse substances, it must learn to see God in real sense having material diversity in form, property and role.

(4) The material world is nothing but mixed collection of diverse elements and diverse substances having diverse forms, properties and roles linked together by common chain of material relationship having common cause of rational union between diverse elements and substances within collective material world. Any work supportive to such common cause and collective material design can be treated by human mind as good work or God's work and any work contrary to such common cause and collective material design can be treated by human mind as bad work or devil's work. The corrective or curative war against bad work or devil's work can also be treated by human mind as good work or God's work.

(5) Even if world is assumed to be created by God, it is sure that God has NOT created any devil within such world. The material world is evolved with common cause and collective design and one who does not understands this and acts against such common cause and collective design automatically becomes devil out of ignorance. But those who understand this by gaining knowledge about this try to control devils by acting as God's representatives. I understand and see God within material world in this scientific way and not in any religious way. *Adv.Baliram More*

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