गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The Nature's evolution is continuous process. This process is journey whose destination is not known. This journey is interesting and not boring because it brings new, new things in its motion.

(2) The matters evolved by Nature particularly living species and more particularly human species are found to change with passage of time. The living species evolve collectively as whole and not individually. For example,  human brains and minds evolve as whole. The human civilization has progressed as whole society. The human civilization and culture is evolving in slow motion.

(3) The primitive human  society and modern human society are different because of evolution in human civilization and culture collectively as one species. The past may guide and entertain present to some extent, but past cannot rule present. Therefore, past laws and past judgments cannot rule present world as present laws and present judgments. This is because laws are evolving along with evolution in material environment. The past is past and only present is truth for present generation.

(4) I sense God in Nature and since Nature is in material world and its materialism, I feel God in such material world and its materialism. I sense God's spiritualism within Nature's materialism. But material world and its materialism is evolving and so I feel that God is also evolving. For me, the present God is different from past God because the present state of God's spirit is found different from past state of God's spirit by me. I may be wrong in my sense, but I feel so.

(5) The evolution of Nature is forward moving and nobody can guess with any science fiction about future state of material world. This is because the evolution of Nature is mystery as Nature or God is mystery. But it is definitely a wonderful and very interesting mystery. I find my life and world around not boring, but interesting mainly because of mysterious phenomenon of evolution of Nature. *Adv.B.S.More*

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