शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) There is no any such thing in world as complete good or totally pure in itself, but there exists such thing in world as complete bad or totally impure in itself.

(2) The world is made up of good substances and bad particles. The substance is always bigger in size than particle. It is like elephant and ant comparison  wherein substance is as big as elephant and particle is as small as ant. The ant is very small before elephant, but she can kill big elephant if she manages to enter in elephant's ear. It is also like one rotten mango spoiling whole basket of good mangoes.

(3) The good substance is never completely good in itself because every good substance carries bad particle within it, but bad particle is always completely bad in itself. It does not carry even smallest good within it. Therefore, bad particle has tremendous capacity to spoil good substance. Such attack of bad particle against good substance can even be fatal to good substance.

(4) In every incomplete good substance, there exists complete bad particle causing all time destructive fear and danger to good substance. This truth of bad particle has made  world the permanent battlefield for war between good and bad.

(5) The good is more in percentage than bad in world, but such big size good remains under constant fear from small size bad. In war between good and bad, the soldier in good has to keep in mind the basic fact that war is only against bad particle carried by good substance and not against good substance carrying such bad particle.

(6) The reason for inserting bad particle in good substance provoking this war between good and bad is best known to Nature or God only. *Adv.Baliram More*

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