गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The nation should be regarded as joint family of citizens and citizens should be regarded as  family members of such joint family. Once nation is regarded as family, nationalism turns into familism.

(2) The unity of small family of parents and children is founded on natural love and affection. There is close emotional attachment within such small family, which is natural. Therefore, family members of such small family work hard for economic progress of family and remain alert about political protection of family from external aggression. The family members love their family so much that they remain ready to sacrifice even their lives for the sake of family.

(3) But nation is artificial creation of people and therefore it is debatable whether nation should be regarded as family. However, it is a fact that the union of people in a particular territory called nation becomes a natural union afer long association of people as nation and they start loving each other as family members. This is how artificial family turns into natural family. Even otherwise, the marriage as foundation of small family is basically artificial creation of mankind. But it turns into natural unit after long association of husband and wife and their children. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if nation is regarded as big family of citizens.

(4) If familism about small family is emotionally sensitive, why should not  nationalism about big family called nation be emotionally sensitive? The patriotism for nation is an outcome of emotionally sensitive feeling about nation as family and such patriotism is same as nationalism and such nationalism is same as familism. *Adv Baliram More*

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