बुधवार, २६ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The human psychology is nothing but emotional-cum-intellectual state of human mind ready to give emotional-cum-intellectual response to diverse factors of environment.

(2) The human response to truth of Nature as found by human mind within environment is output of decision making process of human mind.

(3) There are basically two truths of Nature as exposed by science viz. (a) fixed or unalterable truth such as fixed carnivorous psychology of wild animals and (b) loose or alterable truth such as loosely mixed criminal-cum-civil psychology of human beings passing through transition.

(4) The human mind can take firm/fixed decision in relation or response to fixed/unalterable truth of Nature and unsteady/shaky decision in relation or response to loose/alterable truth of Nature.

(5) The truth of Nature as exposed by science may not be completely known to human mind. The human mind may continue to live in ignorance of at least some part of such truth even after its exposure by science. Such ignorance even if partial can keep human mind in confused state. Such confused mind suffers from partial mental disability, if not total mental disability, in taking correct decision and giving correct response to diverse environmental factors or truth of Nature as exposed by science.

(6) It is a fact that science is a journey towards truth of Nature. It is also a fact that science has not exposed complete truth of Nature. Certain truths of Nature are at experimental stage of science. The human response to such ignorance of science can be imaginary based on beliefs. For example, God can only be believed by human mind till science does not get any proof of existence or non existence of God. -Adv.Baliram More

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