गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) What you like to do in your life may not be liked by others and others may include your own family members. You can love others only if they encourage and support you from their heart in doing what you like to do. How can you love others if they irritate and trouble you by creating obstruction in work of your own liking?

(2) The problem is that you cannot avoid or ignore such others when they obstruct you in doing work of your own liking.This is nothing but hard political problem and has to be dealt with in hard political way.

(3) Each one is unique and each one has liking of doing work in tune with his own uniqueness. You must therefore recognize such uniqueness of others while recognizing your own uniqueness and try to share or exchange your uniqueness in consideration for others uniqueness by mutual liking of each others uniqueness. This is not politics. This is cooperative exchange economics.

(4) The real problem arises when you do not like others uniqueness and others do not like your uniqueness. The cooperative exchange economics is just impossible in such challenging situation. There is going to be friction within such uniqueness. Such problem of friction can be solved only by hard politics and not by soft economics.

(5) The politics of preserving and protecting of your own unique liking by restricting obstruction from others in your way of doing work of your own liking includes two methods of politics viz. (a) passive politics of keeping obstructive persons engaged in things of their own unique liking by not disturbing their work, if not encouraging their work, within their own area of operation by putting political fence or boundary around such operative area belonging to others and (b) active politics of warning obstructive persons from entering your own area of operation by showing weapon of destruction possessed by you and using such weapon in self defence if such obstructive persons dare to attack your operative area by aggressive crossing of political fence or boundary creating political wall of division between their operative area and your operative area.

(6) In conclusion, I can only say that keep on doing work of your own liking subject to two conditions viz. such work should not create any feeling of natural shame within your mind and such work should not cause any public nuisance and/or environment pollution in terms of law as understood by social conscience of people in general and as codified by social parliament of people. -Adv.Baliram More

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