गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७


(1) The intelligence is logical wisdom. The human logical intelligence includes two elements of logic viz. (1) Non-living property related mathematical logic and (2) Living instinct related emotional logic. Accordingly, human intelligence includes (1) Mathematical intelligence  and (2) Emotional intelligence. 

(2) The latter intelligence is most complex than former intelligence. The instinct based living species injected with their emotional intelligence is Nature's latter development after development of property based non-living matters injected with their mathematical intelligence in the course of evolution by Nature. But living species carry both mathematical and emotional intelligence. Their brains carry mixed mathematical and emotional intelligence. Interestingly, the human species being latest evolutionary creation of Nature are highly intelligent living species in both mathematical and emotional intelligence.

(3) The Nature has created her own system of law governing motion of non-living matters and living species. The Nature introduces such matters and species with her system of law through aforesaid intelligence injected into their elementary particles called atoms of non-living matters and basic cells of living species.

(4) If non-living matters and living species move in response to legal system of law of Nature, then let us love such system of Nature first and matters and species latter. The social system developed by human species as per their convenience and understanding for their own internal governance is also the sub-system of Nature permitted by Nature within main system of Nature. Therefore, such supplementary social sub-system of human society cannot supersede basic natural main system of Nature.

(5) Let any matter, animal or human person be made ever so high by Nature within her system, the Nature has made such matter, animal or human person incapable of influencing the whole system of Nature. Hence, nobody should ever try to become boss of whole system of Nature because only Nature is boss of such whole system. The natural justice lies only within natural system of Nature.

(6) The science is a systematic human knowledge about system of Nature including knowledge about its contents such as matters and species and its evolutionary history. The application of science by human species is experimental and such human experimental application of science becomes the subject matter of criticism when human experiments fail and the subject matter of appreciation when human experiments succeed.

(7) The human brain can sense system of Nature including social sub-system of human society and the contents of such main and sub-system, but it cannot sense big boss of such system, whether called as Nature or God, and hence the human brain developes some mythological senses about such big boss with the help of its Nature blessed power of imagination. Such mythological sense about big boss of such system may be meaningless, but let us enjoy that human sense too without creating any nuisance within such mythological sense till Nature keeps her hiding. *Adv.B.S.More*

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