गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७




1. It is always the facts first and law latter at the instance of Nature. But between facts, it is always the basic facts first and the supplementary facts latter at the instance of Nature. In other words, it is always the foundation first and the structure latter in affairs of Nature. 

2. After evolution of basic facts and supplementary facts, the Nature seems to have evolved the two laws for merger between said two facts viz. the law of attraction containing direction as to how the basic facts should invite the supplementary facts for merger and the law of response containing direction as to how the supplementary facts should respond to such merger invitation. For example, if sun star is assumed as basic fact and earth planet is assumed as supplementary fact then sun star can be seen to be governed by law of attraction and earth planet can be seen to be governed by law of response. We can say that earth’s rotation around self and revolution around sun is governed by law of response in response to law of attraction by which sun star is governed. Similarly, if basic elements are assumed as basic facts and non-living matters evolved from such basic elements are assumed as supplementary facts then the basic elements can be seen to be governed by law of attraction and the non-living matters can be seen to be governed by law of response. This chain of inter relationship between diverse matters can be seen to have expanded up to the level of human living species in the course of evolution by Nature. 

3. It is pertinent to note that the material property of non-living things and/or psychological character of living things if assumed as basic facts then such basic facts shall be governed by law of attraction in relation to law of response by which next evolved supplementary facts shall be governed. Both the said law of attraction and law of response can be classified into two laws viz. material law related to material property of non-living things and psychological law related to psychological character of living things. For example, if inorganic chemistry is basic fact then inorganic material law of attraction shall attract organic chemistry as supplementary fact governed by organic material law of response and if criminal psychological character of carnivorous animals such as lions, tigers etc. is assumed as basic fact then organic criminal psychological law of attraction shall attract human living species as supplementary fact governed by organic criminal psychological law of response. The human beings cannot respond to carnivorous animals by their internal civil law. The tit for tat is the policy of Nature. 

4. It is pertinent to note that the law of response is the leadership law which takes lead in responding to the law of attraction. It is also true that the material law is involuntarily active in attraction or response and the psychological law is voluntarily active in attraction or response. It is also pertinent to note that the basic facts are invitational facts governed by law of attraction and the supplementary facts are responsive facts governed by law of response. Thus, these two facts are interrelated by said two laws having their own individual forces. The ratio and the point of merger between said two facts are decided by said two forces of said two laws. The merger between basic facts and supplementary facts by means and forces of law of attraction and law of response is like economics of exchange between attractive supply force and responsive demand force. It is a wonderful union between usable invitation by basic facts and usable consumption by supplementary facts. However, the supplementary facts along with force of their law of response have to take a lead for using the opportunity given by the basic facts for such union by force of their law of attraction. It is like structure of building taking lead in using the foundation of land providing opportunity for building such structure on such foundation. *Adv.B.S.More*

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