गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The material potency and material wisdom are two essential strength factors necessary for living in material world. These two strength factors are well combined in matrimonial relationship. You must have sexual potency as well as matrimonial wisdom in keeping matrimonial relationship intact. You may be sexually potent, but if you are lacking emotional-cum-logical wisdom in maintaining matrimonial relationship, chances of success of your marriage are poor. These potency and wisdom factors are required to be present on both sides of matrimonial partners. Mere love cannot keep marriage intact because love suffers from fluctuations and instability. In this background, matrimonial wisdom becomes the essential factor for matrimonial stability along with factor of sexual potency.

(2) The loss of interest in property and/or sex is a sign of material frustration arising out of material failure. The term property includes money power, knowledge power, economic power, political power etc. The term sex is physical lust or sexual urge which is well known to all. A person may lose interest in property and/or sex by his failure in material test of material world. Such material failure may occur in spite of having both the strength factors of material potency and material wisdom, if such person fails in using these strength factors properly. But the fact remains that your failure in passing the test of material fitness with the help of aforesaid two strength factors makes you unfit to live in material world. It is pertinent to note that both the strength factors of material potency and material wisdom are required to be present simultaneously and absence of any one of these strength factors makes person unfit even to take part in material test.

(3) The material frustration involving loss of interest in property and/or sex arise out of failure to pass material test as aforesaid and such frustration may lead a person to think about spiritualism. Such person may think about spiritual surrender before God. It is possible that such person may renounce the material world and become a spiritual master. 

(4) If it is to be believed that material world is made by God, then it is doubtful whether God will like any person running away from material challenges of material world made by God and coming before God out of material frustration in the name of spiritual surrender. It is possible that God will declare  such material coward as person unfit for God's salvation. The God may also be understood as Nature.

(5) It is true that God's material test for living in material world is easy for some persons due to many favourable factors strengthening their material potency and is hard for some persons due to many unfavourable factors weakning their material potency, but all persons whether strong or weak have to give God's material test with the help of whatever material potency and material wisdom possessed by them. The proper use of these strength factors itself is the test. The running away from material test in the name of spiritual surrender before God is not a solution for living in material world. *Adv.B.S.More*

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