गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The attention with concentration is contemplation (dhyana). The contemplation of mind is necessary for success in achievement of goal or target. The goal is destination or end point. But the task of reaching at such goal or end point is not an easy task. There are two basic  things without which achievement of goal is not possible viz.(1) means of motion leading towards goal and (2) law of motion leading towards goal.

(2) The goal can be called as mission and means and law together can be called as vision. The contemplation of mind is required to be on mission as well as on vision simultaneously or simply contemplation needs to be on three things together viz. goal, means and lawful way (law in short). As said herein above, contemplation means attention with concentration. The contemplation involves deep thinking process with analytical reasoning. But it is not just thinking. It is also prompting action.

(3) It is pertinent to note that once the decision as to destination point or goal is taken by mind by contemplation, mind's contemplation has to move further towards means and law leading towards such destination point or goal. The contemplation has to see whether means are moving properly towards goal in a lawful way. 

(4) For example, if crossing road is mind's goal, then mind must contemplate i.e. pay attention with concentration to both traffic control signals viz. green signal permitting road crossing and red signal prohibiting road crossing. But just signals are not enough for contemplation of mind. The mind must also contemplate on vehicles moving or stopping on road in response to signalling system. This is because mind cannot blindly believe in signalling system.

(5) Second example is that of cricket. In cricket, batsman on playground has to contemplate not only on ball coming from baller but also on pitch running partner as well as on fielders scattered all over playground. The target or goal of batsman is not only survival i.e. saving his wicket, but also dignified survival i.e. staying on wicket and also adding runs for his team.

(6) When factors of survival or means of goal are many and scattered and laws of survival or motion towards goal are zigzag, contemplation on goal, means and law, all three together, becomes a big problem of mind. There are strength factors and risk factors forming parts of means of goal and economic and political laws related to such testing means and all such means and laws expand the area of operation of mind in achievement of goal. Thus, although the goal or destination point may be one, contemplation of mind has to cover wide area of operation along with goal. In short, contemplation over  mission and vision is not an easy task. *Adv.Baliram More*

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