शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७

*In any relationship trust is a must, or everything just rusts to dust. Have a trustful relationship*. -Unknown


(1) Love and trust should go together. But love and trust have to be read with "mutual self" and not with  "individual self". 

(2) It is this "mutual self" which is very challenging since it involves complex process of "individual self" and "individual ego" working together towards mutual satisfaction of individual self and individual ego for giving output of mutual love and trust.

(3) If world demands love and trust from you as your duty, you have right to demand same from world. Love and trust can never be one sided. They are always mutual. The world includes your own people whom you are treating as your own in capacity of they being your close relatives and friends.

(4) It can really become a horrible experience for you when world insists on putting you in test box for testing your love and trust for world after sharing with you its hatred and mistrust.

(5) When you test your  own love and trust for others including your close relatives and friends, you can find that love and trust are very costly things of life for you because you are very poor in buying them or very weak in earning them. If you are not facing this problem in your life, you are the richest and strongest person/s of world.

(6) Long time healthy, joyful and peaceful relationship with mutual love and trust can remain a dream for many in mixed world. Wonderfully, world does not want to change, but wants only you to change! World wants to remain mixed, but wants you to be pure! When you have to prove your purity in the midst of impurity around you, you test it better. You can remain unmarried, but you cannot remain independent from world and that is where whole problem lies. *Adv.Baliram More*

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