गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The working satisfaction has its root in intuition, but liking trend has its root in instinct. The intuition has spiritual base and instinct has material base. The instinctive liking and intuitive working therefore have qualitative difference in terms of material attraction and spiritual inspiration respectively.

(2) The major part of material wealth, artificial money power and social status is swallowed by instinctive liking and only minor part of such wealth, power and status may be earned by intuitive working. Therefore, nothing surprising if man who follows intuition shall live and die pauper in terms of material success, although he may live and die rich in terms of spiritual success earned through intuitive working satisfaction.

(3) I do not write for any appreciation or like from people. My writing is output of my intuition. What people should like is their choice and what intuition should direct is God's choice.

(4) Intuition is not only God's inspirational direction, but also God's liking and therefore so long as God's liking for my writing continues, I shall continue with my intuitive writing with hope and belief that matter and spirit and their instinct and intuition respectively shall live in harmony and peace with each other.

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