गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Law is tricky, but you can enjoy its tricks if you are smart. For example, tax law says that tax evasion is crime, but planned tax avoidance is not. Is it not a tricky law?

(2) So do not get too emotional with term corruption used by anti corruption law. Know it well that corruption is digestive if you can prove yourself to be smart materialist. It is an open secret that anti corruption law keeps itself away from smart materialist with safe distance. It may allow you to be corrupt in terms of law.

(3) The theory of law appears emotionally  spiritual, but the practice of law is always logically material. So let nobody live with any illusion about law.

(4) The Nature grants everybody the natural right to be the smart materialist. The material competition is actually the competition in  material smartness and not in any emotional cry.

(5) If snotty monkeys start making fun of you by their break dance with their snotty noses, you have natural right to show your bhangda dance to them. *Adv.B.S.More*

*गुळगुळीत पांडित्य आता बस्स*!

जर शेंबडी माकडे तुमच्या पुढे नाचून तुम्हाला वाकुल्या दाखवित भाव खात असतील, तर त्यांना तुमचा भांगडा डान्स दाखविणे हे तुमचे परम कर्तव्य आहे. *बाळू वकील*

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