शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Your attitude towards people must always be positive and your response towards people must also be always  positive even if people irritate you with their selfish attitude and selfish action. 

(2) You should not get angry with people even if you feel injured by wrong action committed by them against you. You must show high degree of tolerance at nuisance caused by people against you. No, no! You are wrong in calling such nuisance as nuisance. You feel it as nuisance because your mind is negative. You must always remain positive in all facts and circumstances, good or bad, for getting positive results. You must be positively result oriented.

(3) Your response to action thrown at you by other is mainly examined by people in judging you and not action which stimulated or provoked you to give response. The offence of first offender is likely to be ignored by people if your self defensive response is disproportionate to said offence. 

(4) The life is not so easy to live with selfish and hypocritical people. No, no! This comment is again a sign of negative mind. 

(5) In this background, the wisdom lies in choosing between two opposite advices of two Lords viz. Lord Krishna's advice of tit for tat even if it is of violent nature as given to Arjuna and Lord Buddha's advice of being always non-violent. But before choosing between any one advice, just analyse the situation in which you are placed because Lord Krishna's advice for self defensive violence is based on situation of Lord Krishna and Arjuna having not sacrificed kingship and not renounced material world and Lord Buddha's advice for non-violence always is based on situation of Lord Buddha having sacrificed his kingship and also having  renounced material world as sanyasi. *Adv.Baliram More*

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