मंगळवार, २५ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The birth of life is an opportunity to live. But this opportunity is competitive and challenging. The challenge within life opportunity contains two paradoxical elements viz. gain of success in life  opportunity and risk of failure in life opportunity.

(2) The gain may be small gain in the form of poor life survival or big gain in the form of rich or dignified life survival. On the other hand, the risk may also be small risk in the form of some monetary loss or big risk called fatal risk in the form of danger to life. 

(3) The challenging life  opportunity cannot be taken without challenging movement or action. Every such movement or action involves decision making process. There is no life action without decision for such action. Such decision is the result of one's strength and weakness analysis, which includes logical calculation of risk of failure involved in such  decision and action. 

(4) This can also be called as planning process. It is likely that planning and risk calculation may fail and person taking decision for action may face even premature death. This happened in case of India's bold Prime Minister and iron lady Smt. Indira Gandhi. She took calculated risk of continuing with Sikh security guards at her residence even after her very sensitive but bold decision of Operation Blue Star and she was killed by the same Sikh security guards whom she believed as her protectors. But one cannot escape from such risks and one has to take decisions of life with actions in life in the midst of such risks of failures in judgements or calculations. -Adv.B.S.More

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