गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The spiritualism is a process of contracting macro matter into micro matter. The giant universe is macro matter having macro material body and macro material mind. 

(2) The big bang theory of science assumes that giant material universe is creation out of big bang explosion of micro matter. The expansion of universe from micro matter to macro matter out of big bang explosion of micro matter can be assumed to be process of transformation of micro God into macro Nature. The micro matter with its micro divine spirit can be thus assumed to be spiritual God and the macro matter with its macro material mind can be assumed to be material Nature. 

(3) The human body and human mind is macro matter being part of material Nature and so such body and such mind feels, thinks and acts material. The human body cannot be converted into micro form as micro matter, but human mind can be made to feel small as spirit. This process of transforming macro material mind into micro divine spirit and linking it to micro divine spirit of spiritual God may be called as spiritualism.

(4) The spiritualism is thus a process of reversing back from expanded macro matter to contracted micro matter or simply from material Nature to spiritual God. This spiritualism is again based on assumption that smallest God particle itself has expanded into giant Nature substance by big bang explosion and/or evolution of macro Nature from micro God. This assumption shall continue to remain as belief till it is proved beyond reasonable doubt. However, even if spiritualism is based on any such belief it can help in bringing down macro or greedy material selfishness of human mind to micro spiritual  selflessness of human spirit.

(5) The point of concern is that if spiritualism is process of contracting or becoming small and its journey is reverse or backward from Nature's expansion to God's contraction through  materially charged Nature itself, why should there be different religions in world confusing the whole issue of spiritualism? *Adv.Baliram More*

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