बुधवार, २६ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The disparity between strength and weakness is cause of oppressive and exploitative movement of strength towards weakness. This kind of oppression and exploitation is injustice. Is there any strong law of Nature to stop this injustice? Should intelligent human mind neglect such injustice just by labelling it as curse of Nature? If such injustice is accepted by mankind as curse of Nature, then such acceptance shall give free licence to terrorists for commiting violence against civil minded human beings. 

(2) Any philosophy based on any human reason or logic supporting any kind of terrorism and violence under any banner or label contains nothing but poisoned mindset having nuisance value. Such mindset becomes a cause of chain reaction of violent terrorism and counter violent terrorism. Any such philosophy based on such poisoned mindset carrying such nuisance value is nothing but a reflection of carnivorous or hard criminal mindset of wild animals and contains a danger of pulling mankind backward and at primitive stage of human civilization. It is this backward mindset which is responsible for some human beings calling themselves as lions or tigers of modern time. But such aggressive people should see around in environment to watch as to how wild animals are slowly getting extinct by evolutionary force of Nature. It seems that the Nature herself is slowly ending her orthodox life policy of survival of fittest as invented by Darwin.

(3) It is true that the government of modern civil society needs support of internal police force and external military force for protection of its peaceful civil law from wildly aggressive criminal mindset of some humans and this is a sad and tragic part of modern human civilization.

(4) In civil society, there should not be any place for any greedy economics and/or any violent politics. The necessity of having criminal law along with civil law in human society only proves that there are miles to go before the mankind becomes truly civilized. The civil society can be called as truly civil only if its mindset is fully convinced to move with two basic directive points of law viz. (1) cooperative managerial economics and (2) mismanagement regulatory politics. Let us wait for this civil law to come for resting mankind in peace. -Adv.Baliram More

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