शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The healthy mind stays within healthy body and therefore one must take care of one's body health all the way and all the time.

(2) The health of body includes health of body cells and body organs. The lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys and brain are all important organs of body, but brain organ has supremacy over all other body organs.

(3) The breathing is health test of lungs, blood circulation is health test of heart, digestion is health test of stomach, urination is health test of kidneys and  memory, confidence and concentration are health tests of brain.

(4) The memory implies memory in relation to environmental facts and laws, confidence implies confidence in relation to truth of relevant law as applicable to relevant facts and concentration implies concentration in relation to confident application of relevant  law to relevant facts or simply concentration in action of law.

(5) Once the memory and confidence pass the health tests of brain, what remains is only concentration. The attention and concentration are correlated to each other. -Adv.Baliram More

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