गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The conscience is the balanced state of conscious human mind. The conscious human mind can feel conscience as guide for its voluntary activism. The involuntarily active subconscious human mind is self reliant and does not need conscience as guide for its involuntary activism.

(2) The conscience is actually the mixed intelligence formed out of interaction between logical unit of conscious human mind and emotional unit of conscious human mind. The conscience is thus logical-cum-emotional intelligence. The natural conscience is natural intelligence constituted by two psychological elements of logic and emotion.

(3) It is debatable whether conscience is God's inner voice. If it is so why does God fail in whispering same conscience in minds of all human beings? This could have brought uniformity in conscious human activism. But there is intelligible differentia between different human beings. The intelligible differentia itself means the conscience differentia. The intelligence differs means conscience differs from person to person. This inter human difference in human intelligence or human  conscience is the basic cause of different conflicts, wars, fears, anxiety, restlessness etc. between human beings. The inter human intelligence/conscience difference is the basic cause of inter human exploitation, rich and poor gap etc. and  consequent social unrest and law and order problem within human society. 

(4) It is debatable whether Nature is responsible for inter human intelligence/ conscience difference or humans themselves are responsible for their intelligence/conscience difference due to their failure to think deep to understand natural conscience meant for all human beings uniformly. Does Nature whisper natural conscience differently in different human beings or does Nature whisper natural conscience uniformly in all human beings, but different humans take notice of such uniform natural conscience differently? These are debatable questions. 

(5) The human beings settled in different territories of world have created their own nations, their own national laws and their own national courts. But the judges of such different courts and advocates practising in such different courts do not understand laws uniformly. Let us try to go by natural conscience uniformly! *Adv.B.S.More*

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