शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) It is your choice whether to live with real natural sense of Nature or imaginary divine sense of God. But if you choose to live with both of these senses, your mind is bound to get confused.

(2) The life is natural and so its problems and solutions are also natural. The real natural sense of Nature reminds you about truth that life is partially positive and partially negative. The said natural sense cautious you with fact that negative side has all such things in environment such as cheating, exploitation, oppression, aggression etc. etc. But said natural sense also gives you hope with fact that life also has positive side with many other life supportive things available within environment.

(3) The real natural sense of Nature educates and trains you in taking stock of both negative and positive things of life and work with all practical means and solutions available for survival and betterment of your life.

(4) On the other hand, the imaginary divine sense of God takes you away from your natural work to be performed by you with natural sense of Nature and makes you cry like child before God with prayers for giving you solutions to your problems.

(5) Anyway, the choice is left before you to make right choice between Nature and God. But I have made a choice for sensing Nature as God and God as Nature. It is a choice of merging God with Nature. Oh Nature alias God! Keep my natural alias rational sense alive all the time! *Adv.Baliram More*

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