गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The human civilization has not touched even the bottom step of spiritualism. This low civil position continues even after human civilization consuming many years in developing from its primitive stage to modern stage.

(2) There are still miles to go before human civilization reaches to its top spiritual position. The human civilization is unable to digest spiritualism in its true sense and this digestive problem has led to the failure of human civilization in establishing civil law in its true sense. The civil law continues to live under fear and needs to take protective cover of criminal law 24 hours of the day and 365 days of the year.

(3) In the midst of this truth, human mind cannot afford to live under illusion of seeing God and God's divinity within chemical substances carrying their fixed properties and carnivorous species carrying their stubborn criminal instincts including criminal minded human beings.

(4) It is pertinent to note that corruption is the bye product of humiliating position of civil law living under fear and begging for protection from criminal law. If this is the current truth, then wisdom lies in keeping low with spiritualism. *Adv.B.S.More*

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