गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The logical intellect of human brain often gets confused between two emotional calls viz. inspiration for right in law and temptation for wrong in law because there are emotional reasons of inspiration and temptation on both sides and also logical reasons of right and wrong on both sides.

(2) The logical intellect enjoys Nature delegated discretionary power to make its own choice between said two emotional and logical reasons and make such choice itself as law for self without bothering to understand what is true law of Nature. 

(3) This is nothing but intellect's selfish act of enjoying Nature delegated discretionary power of making choice, but not respecting Nature's law guiding such intellect as to what is right and what is wrong.

(4) To make best choice between two options in terms of true law of Nature suggesting right side option requires inner conviction and total determination on the part of intellect.

(5) The true worship of God or true respect and gratitude to Nature will be in making best choice in law by remembering almighty power of God or Nature while making such choice. *Adv.Baliram More*

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