शनिवार, २२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The science is human understanding or knowledge about facts and laws of Nature. The universe is fact of Nature and this fact is governed by law of Nature. But law governing fact of universe itself is fact upon fact. At the most, it can be said that law is governing fact superior to governed fact.

(2) It is pertinent to note that special or expert knowledge about science put in practice in special sense by experts having such special or expert knowledge is recognized as technology within human society and general or common knowledge about science put in practice in general or common sense by common people having such general or common knowledge is recognized as sociology within human society.

(3) The special knowledge of science goes on improving and accordingly technology goes on progressing as the human civilization moves forward from previous generation to next generation. In the same way, the general knowledge of science also goes on improving and accordingly sociology also goes on progressing as the human civilization moves forward from previous generation to next generation.

(4) The law is a code of conduct declared by people through their State as law of Nature meant for governing human conduct. This law is a complex mixture of special or expert knowledge about science practised as technology and general or common knowledge about science practised as sociology. 

(5) The religion is actually a part of sociology based on general or common knowledge about science. It is pertinent to note that the law governing human conduct is changing from time to time and generation to generation. This is because of changes in human understanding about science of Nature. 

(6) The media reports bundle of facts and laws. But since these facts and laws within human understanding go on changing like non stop movie from time to time and generation to generation, the collection or storage of current knowledge about such facts and laws as reported by media becomes an useless exercise after some time because such stored or documented knowledge turns into history after some time having only historical value and not current value. Let us watch this movie of life in its continuous motion only as movie while acting in such movie with some roles and not beyond that. -Adv.B.S.More

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