रविवार, २३ एप्रिल, २०१७



1.     The diverse living and non-living matters and their diverse affairs including their diverse motions are governed by law of Nature. The freedom in law enjoyed by such diverse matters is a subject matter of legal analysis.

2.     Actually, the law of Nature is divided into two parts viz. (a) compulsive part of law and (b) optional part of law.

3.     The compulsive part of law does not contain any freedom to any matter for making any alteration in this part of law. It is an unalterable charter of Nature to be compulsorily followed by diverse matters as absolute rule of Nature.  It is a basic foundational-cum-basic structural law of Nature. This unalterable part of law is an exact law of Nature. For example, temporary and mortal status of life of living things is an unalterable charter of Nature and hence an exact law of Nature.

4.     The optional part of law contains some freedom to matters for making some alterations in this part of law. This freedom in law for alteration in law is granted by Nature mainly to living things and more particularly to human living things. But this freedom is optional. The human species may follow orthodox life style like other animals without opting for freedom to make alteration in said life style or may choose to go for modern life style by opting for freedom to make alteration in orthodox life style. This option calls for optional restrictions too. For example, humans may choose to regulate their free sexuality by accepting optional matrimonial bond governed by matrimonial law or may choose to remain unmarried and opt for live in relationship or companionship having more sexual freedom than marriage. This alterable part of law of Nature is an inexact or semi-exact law of Nature. This law can also be called as super structural law of Nature containing some freedom to make some alterations in super structural affairs of diverse matters.

5.     Actually, the term “convenience” is very peculiar in relation to super structural law of Nature or alterable part of law of Nature. The convenience contained within this alterable law is optional to living matters, particularly to end/top ecological human species. The humans can introduce their own restrictions against their permissive natural conduct within the ambit of super structural law for their own convenience taking advantage of alterable nature of super structural law of Nature. For example, optional introduction of restriction against free sexuality by adopting matrimonial bond regulated by semi-exact matrimonial law.

6.     It is pertinent to note that if human life itself is temporary in terms of basic foundational-cum-basic structural law of Nature, how can human convenience introduced by human beings in human life by taking optional advantage of super structural law of Nature be permanent? All family relationships such as parents and children relationship etc. introduced by optional matrimonial law are therefore only temporary relationships. Even body and mind of human being does not belong to human being. It ultimately belongs to Nature. It is therefore wrong on the part of any human being to be hyper or over sensitive in relation to “temporary self” of human life including human convenience.  –Adv. Baliram More

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