गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



My thinking and writing is about and for Nature. The people or government of people cannot go beyond Nature. I am doing my own research in comparative study between Natural Law and Social Law and my writing in social media is related to my said research topic. I know that people in general do not like such serious research thoughts and therefore I do not expect likes from people for my writing. I do not write for the sake of writing and for the sake of liking. But definitely my intention is to educate people in basic science of Nature and basic truth of law. However the trend of people is different. They like light music, light jokes and not serious thoughts. But I do not think for the sake of thinking and do not write for the sake of writing and liking. It is all outcome of natural intuition and therefore I will continue with said intuition in the name of Nature and for the sake of Nature. *Adv.Baliram More*

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