(1) So long as forcing sex, grabbing property and cheating in matters of sex and property remains the basic criminal instinct of human mind, the human mind shall continue to live with doubt and fear and continue to move with uncertainty and insecurity.
(2) In this complex and testing background, the natural conscience of human mind shall remain sandwiched between two confusing ends of love and hatred or peace and war and accordingly the social conscience of human society shall also remain sandwiched between two confusing ends of love and hatred or peace and war.
(3) The Nation or State represents human society in a particular territory occupied by particular group of human beings and the national or state law enforced by such Nation or State is the product of social conscience of such social group collectively called as Nation or State. Such national or state law also continues to remain sandwiched between love and hatred or peace and war due to aforesaid reason of basic criminal instinct of human mind and this is the reason why national or state law is divided into two laws viz. (1) reformative theory based civil law and (2) deterrent theory based criminal law. It is a complex combination or mixture of non-violence and violence or vegetarian food and non-vegetarian food.
(4) The natural conscience of human mind or social conscience of group of human minds thus lives with doubt and fear and moves with restless uncertainty and insecurity. Surprisingly, this anxiety of natural conscience is all natural. *Adv.B.S.More*
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