शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Let imagination learns to live in company with truth leaving its chronic habit of wandering in dark area of ignorance. In fact, truth is destination of every imagination. 

(2) But truth is endless because Nature is infinite with its unlimited truth. So it makes a tiresome journey of imagination towards truth. The gap between ignorance and truth called dark area of ignorance therefore becomes a resting point and entertaining area for imagination to wander and live with dreams.

(3) This dark area of ignorance is the area where God comes to help imagination with hope and religion comes to rule imagination with myth. 

(4) This is the point of concern which makes it necessary for science to enter the scene for convincing imagination to leave the company of religion and become the stable companion of science in search of truth. 

(5) Let science succeeds in moving imagination from myth towards truth and uniting God with Nature and religion with science. When mythology  becomes the soul of religion, truth becomes the soul of science. *Adv.Baliram More*

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