गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) We can only respectfully salute  Nature for evolving living matter by applying wonderful technique of fixing flying mind of gaseous form within fastened body of solid and liquid form. The mind of living matter is like air and body of living matter is like land and water. It is really a wonderful combination coming from Nature. 

(2) The living matter is organic compound of soft mind and hard body and its formula is best known to Nature only. The Nature does not disclose her secret formulae fully. Only partial truth is made open to human knowledge and this known truth about Nature and her creations is known as science.

(3) But everything of Nature does not come within domain of science. The Nature tries to keep something secret and such secret is called mystery beyond reach of science. The human brain tries to fill in gap or vacuum of such mystery by religion with many myths introduced within such religion by imaginations and superstitions and the Nature just keeps mum when man remains busy in such mythological religion.

(4) Let the parliament of human species codify law of right to information, the Nature will continue with her own law of natural secrecy. *Adv.Baliram More*

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