गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The trust is very important thing in human life. It is important in public as well as private life of a human person. The man is social animal mainly because of an element of trust. The people will not come together if there is no mutual trust. 

(2) It is very difficult to conclude which element out of love and trust is more important than other. It can generally be said that if there is love, there will always be trust. But it is not so in practical life. The man and woman may come together out of love, but there is no guarantee that they will stay together for long because love may start diminishing slowly due to some reasons which they did not anticipated while being in love in the beginning. In such love diminishing situation, it will be difficult to develop trust between such companions. In fact, whatever little trust developed out of initial love may get lost with passage of time due to some unavoidable instances or temptations.

(3) The love is an abstract architectural plan or design which helps in building of long and stable relationship and the trust is a concrete cement which helps in strengthening of  actual building structure of such long and stable relationship. Such building of sound relationship thus becomes complete and intact with two elements or factors of union working together viz. love and trust. But such building may get damaged and start decaying by adverse working of two elements or factors of division viz. ego and selfishness. Once these destructive elements of ego and selfishness become stronger than constructive elements of love and trust, the building of long and stable relationship starts collapsing. But it is debatable whether selfishness is a constructive factor or destructive factor. This is because selfishness is motivational factor too as it keeps person moving and working out of selfishness. But the selfishness of different persons is inter related to each other in rational relationship with its standard ratio. It only means that if selfishness remains rational being within ratio of law of selfish relationship, it becomes constructive and once selfishness becomes irrational, it becomes destructive.

(4) The people may come together not out of love, but out of so called destructive element of selfishness paradoxically with constructive purpose, but they cannot stay together for long time with such constructive purpose unless love and trust is developed in their relationship out of togetherness and unless they succeed in keeping their ego within reasonable control between dominant position suffering from superiority complex and submissive position suffering from inferiority complex and also keeping their selfishness within rational control as per ratio of law of selfish relationship. This control task is political task which is required to be performed in the midst of constructive economics between love and trust interacting with each other in harmony and rhythm. *Adv.B.S.More*

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