गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The total ignorance is cause of illusion in truth and partial ignorance is cause of confusion in truth. But total knowledge  is cause of convenience in truth and convenience is selfish. All three things viz. illusion, confusion and convenience keeps human mind restless.

(2) The selfish point of convenience restlessly revolves around point of truth like earth revolving around sun. Thus it is incorrect to say that knowledge about truth keeps mind at rest. The human mind remains restless and unsettled throughout life by points of illusion, confusion and convenience.

(3) The wisdom or intelligence within human  mind is the only point which is capable of keeping all aforesaid points of restlessness under control, if not at rest. The wisdom makes human mind philosophical in relation to points of restlessness. If necessity is mother of invention, wisdom is father of philosophy.

(4) The philosophy may be personal at individual  level of human person or social at collective level of human society. The personal philosophy and social philosophy may match and live in harmony with each other or conflict with each other out of mismatch causing social unrest. 

(5) The social law based on social philosophy produced by collective social wisdom of people tries to control such philosophical conflicts and unrest within human society on the strength of social force.

(6) The journey of human wisdom and human philosophy is very interesting, but at the same time it is very time and energy consuming. The lot of time and energy also get wasted in this journey. The human civilization has lost many lives in philosophical wars. *Adv.B.S.More*

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