गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७




(1) Do not live under impression that you are using social media free of cost. Know it well that you are being systematically used by social media at your own cost. This cost of being used is very high.

(2) The social media is costing your thinking, your personality, your family conduct and relationship. It is costing your time, energy and also hard earned knowledge. What is return of this cost? Just few likes. Are you all following philosophy of karma without fruit or duty without right? If yes, then you are the great noble persons. But see how your nobility is being used by crooks for their own personal gain.

(3) The social media is now systematically hijacked by shrewd politicians. They have started engaging information technology professionals for shaping your mindset and building public opinion in their favour for conversation of such mindset and opinion into voting power. These IT professionals make analysis of even likes in social media such as face book for your posts. This analysis is mainly with purpose of assessing how far you can be used and slaved. You may not know some of likes for your posts may be just a formality without reading your posts.

(4) The social media is now well planned and well established strategic media to hypnotise people by illusions to control and slave their minds at first instance and bodies at latter instance.

(5) We must remain alert from being used freely by some external control corners such as media masters and politicians. Whatever may be the progress made by electronic or digital advancement, we must know it well that we have become more mental and less physical, more emotional and less logical, more theoretical and less practical. We have liberated our minds to fly high in air and space so much that we have almost forgotten that our bodies are fastened to land and water on earth. We are now habitual to live more in dreams and less in reality. Just calculate its cost yourselves. *Adv.B.S.More*

*P.S. My above short article is outcome of my personal learning from and commentary on detailed article written in Marathi by author Shri Girish Kuber with title "Koni tari aahe titha" and published in Lokrang supplement of Marathi daily newspaper Loksatta of Sunday dated 19.02.2017*

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