गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७




(1) The material environment consists of diverse matters. The diverse matters are of two forms viz. non-living matters and living matters. Every matter, whether non-living or living, has three parts viz. mass, energy and spirit. 

(2) The non-living matter has three parts viz. non-living mass, non-living energy and non-living physical-cum-chemical property as spirit of such non-living matter. 

(3) The living matter also has three parts viz. living mass, living energy and living psychological instinct as spirit of such living matter, which spirit itself is mind of such living matter.

(4) The matters are subject to transformation from time to time along with their mass, energy and spirit. This rule of transformation implies temporary status of any form of matter. For example, living form of living matter gets transformed into non-living form of non-living matter by way of death of such living matter. This is mortal property of living matters. But even non-living matters undergo change by way of transformation although they are not mortal matters. 

(5) The law of transformation has given  temporary status to all matters. This temporary status keeps living matters psychologically  unstable and stressed. This psychological problem is not faced by non-living matters because they do not have life instinctive spirits or minds.

(6) The material science deals with mass, energy and spirit of material world consisting of diverse matters as aforesaid. The spiritual religion believes in some greater spirit of such material world called God as creator and controller of material world. The material science often makes reference to Nature, but whether such reference is to material world as a whole without God or vaguely to God is not known, at least not understood by me. *Adv. Baliram More*

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