गुरुवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) You cannot criticize material world for its corruption by sitting on fence of material world on one side and spiritual world on another side.

(2) Just stop criticizing material world with your negative taunts by sitting on fence thereby running away from challenges of material world.

(3) You can either renounce material world completely by entering into spiritual world with your own illusion about corruption free spiritual world or forget that illusory spiritual world and make bold entry into material world to live real life with its sweet and bitter taste.

(4) The corruption is challenge and you have to face it boldly with mixed strategy of accepting whatever digestive of corruption and rejecting whatever indigestive of corruption.

(5) Just come out of illusion that self publication of your well studied articles and statements in social media will give you social recognition and social status. The people will just read cream of your knowledge, will like it for some time, will use it in private and will just forget you after some time. 

(6) Be smart materialistic person and that can only keep you free from disappointment, if not free from corruption. -Adv.B.S.More

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