बुधवार, १२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The conscious mind and subconscious spirit seems to be wonderfully working within human brain. The inspiration for voluntary action in scientific truth of Nature seems to be provided by subconscious spirit to conscious mind provided conscious mind does not voluntarily intoxicate itself with intoxicating agents such as opium, liquor etc. thereby obstructing connection between conscious mind and subconscious spirit. This can happen when conscious mind does not listen to caution voice of subconscious spirit. 

(2) The science about truth of Nature calls subconcious spirit as subconscious mind, but religion may call such subconscious mind as subconscious spirit or soul of God guiding and controlling conscious mind. The conscious mind works voluntarily and subconscious mind works involuntarily. The conscious and subconscious working of human brain is a wonder of Nature. *Adv.B.S.More*

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