बुधवार, १२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The sun shines with light all time. There is no day and night for sun. It is earth which has made difference for herself by adopting day and night for herself by her own rotation around self while revolving around sun. 

(2) The earth is evolved from sun and is therefore part of sun. She is forced by sun to revolve around sun. But she is not total slave of sun. She has developed her own unique identity with her own independent power enabling her to keep little  distance and independence from sun.

(3) The moon is evolved from earth and hence is part of earth. Since earth is influenced by sun, moon is also influenced by sun. But moon also has kept little distance and independence from both sun and earth with its own unique identity and power.

(4) All matters on earth including human species  are parts of earth. These matters are unique in themselves with their unique importance on earth. But since they are very close to earth, they cannot keep themselves at distance and independent from earth. All such earthly matters are remotely influenced by moon and sun and closely influenced by earth.

(5) The human life cycle, human awakening, human sleep, conscious and subconscious working of human brain and in fact everything in and around us is greatly influenced by earth. But since earth herself is remotely influenced by sun and space from a distance, all matters on earth including ourselves are also remotely influenced by sun and space including moon revolving around earth and around sun along with earth.

(6) We therefore cannot keep ourselves independent from matters on earth, earth, moon, sun and space. Their close and remote  influence upon us disciplines and controls us. In other words, all matters including human species are disciplined and controlled by strong force of law of influence.

(7) We must see or sense almighty Nature or God even in small, small things and their small, small influences upon us through their small, small rational interactions with us. When you think big about lions and tigers, you just cannot ignore and neglect ants and germs moving around in earth environment. Each one has its own unique importance in material  environment. Our actions in such environment cannot be truly lawful without giving rational importance to even small things influencing and controlling us in terms of law of influence. *Adv.B.S.More*

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