शुक्रवार, ७ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The human mind moans either by disease of human body or disease of human mind or both. The moaning is symptom of disease. Even the ignorance about truth can cause moaning  out of anxious and/or confused state of mind.

(2) The life tasks meant for non human living species are specific and limited. Therefore, such species do not suffer from confusion in their natural conduct. It is mainly the end or top ecological human species who are likely to suffer from such confusion due to wide range of unlimited life tasks that are required to be performed by human species. This top ecological performance demands wide knowledge of all round subjects.

(3) It is also interesting to note that human mind needs some artificial  image or symbol for performing their natural tasks. For example, the citizens of nation require national flag for concentration of their minds on national patriotism. The national flag is artificial symbol representing natural  spirit of Nation's citizens   containing their common agenda and united strength put in motion for execution of such common agenda. But it must always be remembered that salutation before national flag is only revision of citizens minds for their real natural activism. The same is the case with term State which is an artificial entity for performance of natural human conduct collectively as one nation. The State can act only through real natural activism of citizens. The citizens cannot derive anything for nation just by salutation before nation's artificial symbol such as national flag and they cannot derive anything for them just by praying before artificial statue of State or goddess of justice.

(4) The followers of god believing religions must also remember that their divine prayers before formless God in prayer halls or before images of gods and/or goddess are meant for refreshing of  their minds for their natural conduct as end or top ecological human species of high responsibility and high  standard. It has to be always with a reminder that just divine praying before God will not yield anything without performance of natural duties within the framework of natural law meant for end or top ecological human species.

(5) I do not claim that my aforesaid understanding is perfect with complete knowledge about truth of Nature. I can only say  sincerely that I was moaning too much, but now that moaning has come down with more clarity about truth of Nature by inner conviction of my mind. -Adv.B.S.More

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