शुक्रवार, ७ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The goods and services attracting human mind and generating human  demand are of diverse forms. This is consumption side of diversity. This side is incomplete without production side of diversity, which side  demands diverse  theoretical learning and diverse practical training for production of diverse goods and services. 

(2) This material diversity both on consumption side and production side makes equal distribution of diverse goods and services among people difficult because of lack of uniformity in human intelligence in relation to such diversity. In others words, inter human intellectual diversity is cause of inter human inequality. 

(3) But intellectual diversity is NOT the only reason for such inequality. There are also other factors which are responsible for causing such inequality such as cyclic ups and downs in demand and supply sides of diverse goods and services. 

(4) The diversity of Nature has joy of its own and also pain if its own. These two effects of diversity can divide human mind into two minds viz. positive mind with feeling of gratitude or thank giving attitude towards Nature for producing joy within diversity and negative mind with feeling of disgust or blame putting attitude towards Nature for producing pain within diversity.

(5) Let the rich people like Bill Gates distribute their accumulated wealth among poor out of their generosity with noble cause of reducing poverty appearing as sign of inequality, the Nature seems to remain stubborn in preserving inequality out of diversity. Yes, it is true that this is voice of my negative mind.  -Adv.B.S.More

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