बुधवार, १२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The duties and rights are correlated. Higher the duties, higher the rights. Lower duty creates lower right. In short, duty determines right.

(2) It is debatable whether duties are inborn or made as a matter of choice. Nobody knows how much freedom to use discretion in matter of duties one can have in life. The great souls appear to have been born with inborn higher duties and so with inborn higher rights, but it can also be observed that persons  born ordinary may also live extraordinary with higher rights by successfully choosing and performing higher duties .

(3) If duties are inborn, there is no choice. But if there is a freedom to use discretion in selection of duties, duties are said to be made. But it is sure that duty is of paramount importance in life in determination of right. -Adv.B.S.More

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