बुधवार, १२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) When relationship of one human being with another human being becomes compulsory out of compelling facts and circumstances of environment, the change in conduct of any human being in such compulsive relationship can either be out of love for another or out of fear from another.

(2) The change in person out of love for another is open change and can produce mutual joy provided another person cooperates with such change by reciprocal response of love. On the other hand, the change in person out of fear about another person is hidden change and can produce mutual peace provided another person also gets convinced about foolishness in living with adamant attitude and aggressive tendency.

(3) The change out of love is more trustworthy than change out of fear.
The change out of partial love and partial fear is  complex change being complex mixture of partial economics and partial politics. In fact, the human relationship is a complex affair based on such complex mixture because two or more human beings can never be equal in strength and understanding. -Adv.Baliram More

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