बुधवार, १२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) It is debatable whether law itself is power or power needs law for its direction implying power and law as two different things.

(2) The Nature is ultimate power and ultimate law unto itself. The Nature is our ultimate leader. But how many of us understand Nature, Nature's power and Nature's law giving us direction to move in natural order? Many of us do not understand all this and so we need our own leader for giving us law and direction of law. America needs Mr. Trump as its leader, Russia needs Mr. Putin as its leader and India needs Mr. Modi as its leader and like this different nations need their own national leaders.

(3) The people have their own power, but they need proper direction to their power in terms of law with their inner conviction conceived by some leader convincing them about such law. The people remain ready to share their power with their leader provided such leader is able to influence their minds with his convincing ideology as foundation of law. This ideology must be powerful enough to influence mass human  population to move in one uniform direction.

(4) If convincing of our own mind with any ideology is so difficult, then how difficult it must be for a leader to convince mass population? Just think about it before showing your talent for criticizing any leader. Who is leader? The leader is judge of judges and therefore although there is a practice of leader of nation being given oath of national law called constitution by Chief Justice of nation, it is ultimately the leader who gives direction of law to nation. It is thus clear that we human beings need leader to show us power of law. *Adv.B.S.More*

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