बुधवार, १२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The economics of joy lies not only in production and consumption, but also in excretion. All these three economic activities of production, consumption and excretion are inter connected to each other and interactive with each other.

(2) The interactive economics is full of joy and joy always has hidden peace within it. This joy of economics can be experienced in excretion process too. In fact, excretion acts as source of production and consumption. The interactive economics is governed by norms of economic law.

(3) The economics is not absolutely unlimited. It has limit of its own. The term unlimited is used in relation to economics mainly because of its wide range. However, the wide area of economics is controlled by conditional limits of political law. 

(4) The wide economic area is fenced by political law with two border lines of political control viz. (a) reparable restrictive line of control and (b) irreparable prohibitive line of control, which is strictly prohibited line fully charged with high voltage repulsion current.

(5) The unlimited economics can move freely within wide economic area in terms of norms of economic law. But this economic motion is subject to two political conditions of political law viz. (a) not crossing restrictive line of control with exceptional relief of compensatory repair only up to strictly  prohibitive line of control, being only non fatal injurious crossing and (b) not touching strictly prohibitive line of control, whose touch is irreparable being fatal due to high voltage current of political repulsion attached to said strictly prohibitive line of control.

(6) Let us all enjoy unlimited economics within its wide range  subject to condition of limited politics at its restrictive and prohibitive ends. The readers are requested to please note that economics and politics are generally understood as social sciences in narrow  sense, but I understand them in broad sense of being parts of natural science. *Adv.B.S.More*

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