बुधवार, १२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) I was shocked to read the news about Oxfam report declaring that 50% of world's economic wealth is concentrated in the hands of just 8 rich persons of world and 58% of India's economic wealth is concentrated in the hands of just 1% rich people of India. 

(2) What is this? Is it not a shocking truth? For me, this news is more destructive than destruction caused by America's explosion of atom bomb on Japan's cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during second world war. 

(3) Let us come out of illusion of term "development". The development is actually the development of few rich people of world, who have proved themselves as lords of not only economic power, but also lords of political power.

(4) Let the people delegate their political power to their elected representatives in a democratic set up of government, the economic lords are going to establish their corrupt nexus with such representatives of people holding political power under delegated authority of people.

(5) Let us stop talking big  about parallel or hidden economy and black money. It is an open secret that open economy itself is corrupt, which corruption can be easily noticed from aforesaid fact of world and Indian economy exposed by Oxfam report. 

(6) In the light of aforesaid background, I can boldly say that if I am given political super power to rule over such few rich of world I will either force them to release their maximum wealth for its equitable distribution in society making such few rich the trustees of said wealth for Nature and people or otherwise I will be  tempted to become the most corrupt man of world for becoming rich and powerful person of world. 

(7) I am slowly shifting from my long standing loyalty to spiritualism to catch the reality of materialism. It was a sudden miracle of yesterday which tempted me to get attracted towards one white colour Toyota Fortuner car with inner wish of owning it and that temptation and deep thinking related to that temptation has really changed my false perception about world. *Adv.B.S.More*

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