बुधवार, १२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The term physical includes chemical, but not psychological. The term physical is specific term in relation to bodies of non-living matters carrying their basic physical and chemical properties with their unique physical and chemical equations/ratios which are exactly mathematical.

(2) But we use physical and psychological terms collectively in relation to living matters including human beings. The term physical is used in relation to human bodies because these human  living bodies are evolved by Nature from mindless non-living matters having exactly mathematical physical and chemical ratios of their bodies and the term psychological is used in relation to human minds because these human living minds are evolved by Nature from mindful living matters having inexactly logical psychological ratios of their minds. The bodies of all non-living and living matters have exactly mathematical rational relationship with diverse non-living and living  matters in environment, but the minds of living matters including human minds have inexactly logical rational relationship with diverse living matters in environment. This is really paradoxical phenomenon of Nature.

(3) It is pertinent to note that word "logic" finds its place mainly in term psychological and all other related terms such as sociological etc. and not in terms physical and/or chemical, which are purely technical terms being exactly mathematical in their rational relationship. We must therefore be "mathematically rational" in our responsive action  in relation to non-living matters because they do not have minds and "logically rational" in our responsive action in relation to living matters because they have minds.

(4) The logically rational response is a very complex phenomenon. Man can be managed by corruption, but no corruption is possible in relation to mindless machines. However, smart human mind can manipulate fixed properties of non-living matters to suit its convenience. The logically rational responsive action by and between human beings includes the aforesaid managing business including corrupt practice and its control by and between human beings. 

(5) It is very important to understand the terms "under response" and "over response" in both type of relationships viz. mathematically rational relationship with non-living matters and logically rational relationship with living matters including human beings. In general, all that  is extremely under responsive or extremely over responsive is dangerous and fatal. These terms of under response and over response are relative terms.For example, what is over sexual response for old person may be under sexual response for young person. All must understand healthy relationship taking into account mathematically rational equations in relation to non-living matters and logically rational ratios in relation to living matters. 

(6) Any extremism is dangerous and one has to be rationally mathematical in relation with non-living matters and rationally moderate in relation with living matters and more particularly human living matters. The moderate rhythm is important even in case of physical health. For example, blood pressure must be kept at its normal level by avoiding and/or controlling high or low blood pressure and for this one must always keep in mind aforesaid mathematically rational non-living equations and logically rational living ratios in all relationships whether physical and/or psychological. One has to be naturally relaxed and rhythmic in responsive action and motion, physical and/or psychological, in relation to diverse non-living and living matters in environment. We should not make our motion restless by breaking our natural rhythm in such motion by our unnatural or irrational responsive action thereby inviting artificial anxiety, stress etc. in our motion.

(7) We must understand that human relative response to worldly things or creations of Nature has to be more mathematically rational  and/or logically rational and less emotional. If all the things created by Nature have to be treated as good by being spiritually emotional with them, then we will have to keep on embracing even disease causing germs and blood sucking mosquitoes. We must identify well as to whom to keep us near and whom to keep at distance  in our responsive action. *Adv.B.S.More*

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