मंगळवार, ११ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The thoughtlessness of people surrounding you may either make you intelligently thoughtful or foolishlessly thoughtless. But even if you become thoughtful in thoughtless environment, your progressive thought process may not help you to progress individually and/or collectively.

(2) Your progressive thoughts may take birth in your brain as your good children, but they will die soon without energetic environment necessary for boosting their growth and health. The progressive thoughts cannot flourish without their progressive action boosted by progressive response from thoughtful  environment. 

(3) When your progressive thoughts cannot progress by their conversion into progressive action due to their failure in influencing  thoughtless people to think in positive direction  towards progress, they start dying slowly. It is very difficult to create great influence of progressive thoughts in thoughtless environment. It is pertinent to note that very few great souls like Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi etc. could achieve that success of influencing masses by their great, progressive thoughts. Their progressive thoughts could influence greatly  even dull environment of their time in giving energetic response to their progressive thoughts. This does not happen all time and with all people thinking good and progressive.

(4) The dull and thoughtless environment is great obstacle in success of progressive thoughts. It is like love cannot flourish in loveless environment and prayers of God cannot flourish in divineless environment. Nothing surprising if good, progressive thoughts become only stray thoughts in such dull, odd environment. -Adv.B.S.More

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