बुधवार, १२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) You have strength in you, but you also have weakness in you. You have opportunity to live life to its best in environment, but there can also be threat to your life from environment and in its opportunity. You have to take all these four factors into consideration viz. strength, weakness, opportunity and threat, all four together called SWOT, while living in environment.

(2) The environment is not static. It is moving and it is changing. The  adaptation to moving and changing environment is challenge which can be met by intelligent analysis of SWOT. You must not jump on opportunity without calculating risk involved in such opportunity and you must not try to adapt to sudden change in environment without being alert from such change. The timely recognition of threat in any such change adverse to survival for escape from future attack and fatal injury is an intelligent response in relation to threat factor involved in adverse environmental change.

(3) The SWOT analysis is an important management technique and I am NOT its inventor. I have only interpreted SWOT in my own understanding and in my own way. *Adv.B.S.More*

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