गुरुवार, ६ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Let your spirit be ever so high, it cannot turn into your productive empire like a shining star without strong support not only from your material body but also from spirits and bodies moving around you.

(2) When your theoretical knowledge is unable to get converted into your  practical reality due to your failure to minimise gap between your true knowledge and its practical utility to self and world around you, it is your weakness not in your true knowledge but in many other obstructive factors such as weak minds and weak bodies surrounding you which are incapable of bearing load of your true knowledge. 

(3) Only God's miracle can bring change in your discouraging situation making your weakness itself as your strength, if God does exist and if God so wishes, by bringing a positive response from environment to your true knowledge with some force making your knowledge a practical reality. 

(4) The factors of obstruction are many and there are miles to go before you win and miles to go before you win! -Adv.B.S.More

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