गुरुवार, ६ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The world is full with  misconceptions, myths, ignorance and hypocrisy. It is a challenge to get free from clutches of all such unscientific things. Be sure that no freedom or liberation from slavery of such unscientific things is possible without making revolutionary changes in your own mind.

(2) The real challenge lies in testing of your own strength and NOT in crying over your weakness and/or begging for any support from any Godfather, Godmother etc. or for any blessing from God, even if you have belief in God.

(3) Nobody can prove or disprove existence of God. But no proof is required to prove existence of challenging facts and laws of Nature. They do exist to test strength of your courage, tolerance, patience, knowledge and intelligence. 

(4) Do not surrender before anybody and anything. If God does exist with his divine truth, then even he will not like you to surrender before him. You can love your conscience, but avoid surrendering even before your own conscience. You have also NOT to surrender before challenging facts and laws of Nature. You should NOT forget that any long standing emotional attachment to anybody or anything is addiction, slavery and test of your strength lies in liberating of your mind from such slavery. Your test lies in facing these challenges boldly by making tactful use of your own strength.

(5) Remember that loving one's own self conscience does NOT mean surrendering before such self conscience. The self conscience should be taken as self restraint or self control. "I will NOT surrender before anybody or anything and also will NOT desire or make anybody or anything to surrender before me" should be the attitude. 

(6) But again self restraint or self control does NOT mean self suppression or self oppression. It does NOT mean suppression of your desires, whether material or spiritual. It only means recognizing limit of your strength in satisfaction of such desires and adopting rational behaviour in relation to things around you including challenging facts and laws of Nature. You have NOT to win world, but win yourself. Accept this challenge and live in peace! -Adv.B.S.More

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