शुक्रवार, ७ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The debate of God desire versus human desire or natural justice of Nature versus  unnatural injustice of humans is debated issue of law, which has remained unresolved for years together with its endless inter human debate troubling human minds for years together.

(2) Who will give judgment on this debate, invisible God/Nature or visible Human? If human, then which human? This is because the human conscience on this God desire or natural justice issue is not uniform.

(3) Ultimately, it is the collective social conscience of people  operating through artificial body of government called State as recognized by people  which can act as authority of law for resolving upon this issue. But again the problem is that State is artificial and not natural body and this artificial body itself is divided into three organs  viz. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary because of the reason that social conscience of people is not uniform or common.

(4) This fact only proves that God desire or natural justice concept of law is really a complicated issue of law. 

(5) But human beings cannot stop by keeping such complicated issue as complicated forever. Some solution has to come out. The God or Nature are human concepts based on logical assumption that there must be some almighty power of creation and control within material environment of which human beings are part. But this assumption has failed to get converted into perfectly identified proof for years together. Therefore, the humans are left with no option but to take facts and laws of environment as real in their material sense, which sense is automatic, innate or natural in common for all human brains. Hence,  this natural sense is called common sense. Ironically, this common sense is not getting uniform with all human brains and hence the need for an artificial body of State to establish common sense rule in common for all people.

(6) The rule of law enforced by State is actually the applied common sense in its application by State with the help of united strength of majority of people. The State cannot refer to God or Nature for enforcing its common sense rule. It has to make reference to people only for that purpose. -Adv.B.S.More

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